Cinnamon Essential Oil History and Health Benefits
Essential oils have been used by our ancestors for so many years whether in culinary or medical use. It provides a never ending rejuvenating fragrance that tickles every part of our body. Some oils are renowned for their impeccable touch therapy to our senses.
Cinnamon bark was known for its delectable feeling which completely fills our senses. It is commonly associated with culinary use and somehow has a tremendous effect on treating common complaints like cold, flu and even pre-menstrual difficulties. And for the Chinese, they saw good effects through medical use as far back as 2700 BC.
Cinnamon is mentioned in the Bible and then had its own place in the list of medicinal plants featured in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica, a book that features the scientific study of medicinal drugs, their sources, preparations, and uses at that particular history time. Where did it come from? Cinnamon bark oil is extracted from the dried inner bark of a tropical evergreen of the Lauraceae botanical plant family that can be found in Sri Lanka, South India, the Comoro Islands, Indochina and Madagascar.
It is made from the chemical constituent of cinnamaldehyde, and is known to cause skin irritation due to its chemical constituents which can produce dermal toxins. Its aroma is a mixture of sweet, warm-spicy, dry, pungent odors.
Due to its medicinal properties, the cinnamon essential oils are believed to be a healer for a variety of health disorders such as diarrhea, arthritis and even digestive problems. And now, all over the world it is used to treat certain health problems like respiratory difficulties, skin infections, blood impurities and even heart disorders. It also improves blood circulation and helps in improving brain functions. It also plays an important role in fighting infection and helps reduce pain and of all the parts of this wonderful cinnamon essential oil is the most useful. This oil can only order 0.5% to 1%, which makes it one of the rarest and costliest essential oils.
And by now alternative medicines had been replaced by chemical medicines. We must not forget that without these choices our ancestors would not have lived to their full extent. Essential oils like cinnamon have their own enchanting effect which will surely leave its mark on our lives. No question, using cinnamon essential oil can help us in many ways like nothing else ever could. Its magic does not leave its place. The magic of healing and rejuvenating our senses.
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